Music for videos has changed… for the better. Within most videos that are produced these days, whether they are for use online or shared internally, a music track is normally included. Now…
Branded Videos
Why are branded videos so important? The content of your video is of course important, but it is not as important as being completely on point when it comes to your brand.…
Hitting Over 1 Million Views on Youtube
Adding videos to youtube has always come with a fixation over what the ‘magic number’ in the right hand corner will be. The more views the better the video has worked for…
Crowd Funding Video
AVInteractive recently helped a local entrepreneur Daniel Cole produce a video for his new product the BEKLA CASE. The Bekla Case is an innovative idea for the new large screen phones and…
AVI Launch New CMS Website
This project consisted of the overhaul of the existing website design enabling AV Interactive to bring its online brand in line with their newly expanded business. The client expressed the need to…