Purity Brewing Co. – Online Ordering
Like a lot if businesses, Purity Brewing Co are having to adapt in order to comply with the current COVID-19 distancing guidelines, so they’ve started offering a home delivery service. We thought it would be fun to create a video of our own Purity home delivery experience, using a mix of brand new footage and repurposed footage from other videos we have shot around Coventry and Warwickshire for Purity in the past.
Created in Isolation
The video was made in the comfort of Tom’s very own home, created completely in isolation, utilising our latest technology and techniques to capture high quality footage, edited together with some repurposed footage you may recognise!
Suited for purpose
We wanted Purity Brewing Co. to be able to use the video on their Social Media feeds so we created the video with the correct aspect ratios for the desired platforms.